Magnifi Communities helps investors enjoy greater financial success. We do that through a collection of 5 of the most respected investment brands offering insights on stocks, ETFs, options, crypto, and more. Discover these 5 companies below to learn more about how they can help you accomplish your investment goals.
We help investors enjoy more investment success by focusing on our proprietary POWR Ratings system. Not only do the POWR Ratings cover 118 factors for every stock, but more importantly help you outperform the market. That’s because A-rated stocks have generated an average annual return of +31.10%. Founded by 40-year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister.
For almost 30 years, has been the go-to source for individual traders looking to thrive in the markets and make more confident decisions. In addition to quotes, charts, and unique market perspectives, our free and premium tools analyze thousands of market trends, sharing new trading opportunities through easy-to-understand scans, signals, and ratings.
Backed by TIFIN

At TIFIN, our mission is to make investing a more powerful driver of financial wellbeing. TIFIN builds engaging experiences through powerful AI and investment-driven personalization. We leverage the combined power of investment intelligence, data science, and technology to make investing a more engaging experience and a more powerful driver of financial wellbeing.